Arsenal - Wolves Poorly Drawn

Im back
Arsenal - Wolves Poorly Drawn

Hi all,

It’s been a little over a month since my last newsletter and that's because we moved! Only about five minutes away from where we were previously, but apparently you still have to pack everything in boxes despite the distance being short.

This week I found where I packed my stylus (in a box with my socks I guess to keep it safe?) and I’m back on the drawing train.

I wouldn’t call this particularly a fun match to come back to, but I like winning. And I definitely like winning if it makes Michael Oliver sad. So, I’ll take that

Stupid sexy Calafiori winning it for Arsenal

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👍👍👍 - 👍👍 - 👍

We have a huge front window in the new place which is proving to be very popular amongst the pets. The photos below are about 2 minutes apart from each other.



Written by
Poorly Drawn Arsenal
I have questionable artistic skills and a love of Arsenal. Here is where I combine the two.
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