React to this drawing
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Back by (surprisingly) popular demand, the Poorly Drawn Arsenal Podcast is back. We went deep into the marketing world and decided on a new name. Instead of the Poorly Drawn Arsenal Podcast, it will now be the Poorly Drawn Arsenal Show. Big rebranding there. Anyway there’s also a new format.
If you have an Arsenal problem (it could be: “My captain has no ankle” or “the same person who’s really tall keeps standing in front of me when I watch the games at the bar”) we want to fix it for you!
Send in your problems and we will come up with solutions and maybe I’ll draw the solution! Who knows what’s going to happen!

Last week the Poorly Drawn Community Man of the Match was "Literally anyone but the ref"
Who was your man of the match?

Shop Update
This new item particularly rang true for me today.

I enjoy when Arsenal puts the ball in the net
a cordurory (oooo fancy) hat that will let others know that you like it when Arsenal puts the ball in the net