I guess you could say that was a poorly draw, Arsenal

Plus, I traveled to NYC
I guess you could say that was a poorly draw, Arsenal


Not an overly art-filled update for this week’s newsletter. Partly because of the result, but also because I was traveling this weekend. Arseblog and ArsenalVision Podcast had an event in New York on Saturday, so I made a weekend of it and made my contractually* obligated yearly public appearance. I made sure to hit up all the local New York eateries.

I had the pleasure of meeting a lot of people. To name a few, Chris, Justine, Jess, and I think three or four Kevins. New York is just full of Kevins. If your name is Kevin and you are thinking of moving to New York, I’m sorry to report, they are past quota, they cannot take any more at this time. Subscribe now

Anyway, onto the match.

For the second weekend in a row, Arsenal went up by two goals only to end up tied at the end of all things. Last week, there was a strong case to be made that it was a point gained. This weekend, you couldn’t say the same.

We looked disjointed. We looked sloppy. It was the match that I think we were all afraid was coming at some point and that we hope was a one-off.

I saw a lot of dejected comments immediately after the match, which is understandable. For me, while yesterday was disappointing, we are still in control. We are still top of the league. Do we have to beat City at home? Yes. Am I pooping my pants? Yeah, absolutely. 100%. But, maybe these are the matches you need to win to be champions.

Anyway, this week’s pet photos are below,


*not actually contractually obligated

Olive and Velma update:

Written by
Poorly Drawn Arsenal
I have questionable artistic skills and a love of Arsenal. Here is where I combine the two.
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